Retirement Plannning

Retirement planning is the process of determining retirement income goals and the necessary decisions to achieve those goals.

Retirement planning is the process of identifying sources of income, estimating expenses, implementing a savings program and managing assets…

“When it comes to retirement planning, it’s never too early to start saving”.

CSfin develops pathways to financial freedom by compiling tax efficient saving strategies and optimal investment portfolios.

Retirement planning includes identifying sources of income, estimating expenses, implementing a savings program and managing assets. The more you invest and the earlier you start means your retirement savings will have that much more time to grow.

Investing early and staying invested, allows you to take full advantage of compound earnings during your career years. Creating a comfortable retirement starts with saving as soon as you can and ends with managing your retirement fund well once you have retired to ensure a steady income.

For example: Client A starts saving R500,00 per month at the age of 25. After 10 years she stops, but leaves the money with CSfin to grow for the next 30 years. When she is 65, the compound growth gives her an amount of R1 311 959,75. Client B starts investing R750,00 per month at the age of 35. He, however, keeps this up for 30 years until he retires at 65. Obviously he has saved much more than the A, but he is left with an amount of only R1 019 548,90. That is R292 410,85 or 22% less than the amount that A can count on. (Growth of 8% per annum, compounded annually. Inflation has been left out of the picture)